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What is a Wholesale Investor? 

A Wholesale Investor, also known as a Sophisticated Investor, must meet specific assets and/or income tests to qualify. These investors gain access to a variety of investment opportunities unavailable to retail investors. In Australia, certain investment products are exclusively available to Sophisticated Investors. These individuals typically possess greater experience or qualifications in financial products, reducing the need for regulatory protections afforded to retail investors. 

Achieving Wholesale Investor Status 

Investors can attain this status through either the sophisticated investor test or the professional investor test. 


The term “Sophisticated Investor” designates certain investors for specific investment opportunities. Unlike retail investors, Sophisticated Investors exhibit a higher level of financial literacy and knowledge. Consequently, they are not subject to the same level of information and support mandated by law for retail investors. 

This enables them to access a wider array of investment opportunities without the complex disclosure rules required for retail investors, such as prospectuses and product disclosure documents. 

Benefits and Risks 

Wholesale investors enjoy access to various investment opportunities not available to retail investors, including unlisted securities, property syndicates, hedge funds, specific initial public offerings, and angel investment opportunities. 

However, they forego the protections and disclosure requirements provided to retail investors. Wholesale investors are presumed to understand capital market opportunities and possess a high level of financial literacy. 

By losing retail protections outlined in the Corporations Act, wholesale investors relinquish access to financial services guides, statements of advice, prospectuses, and other documentation, as well as external dispute resolution processes.